Robust scheduling for flexible job shop problems with random machine breakdowns using a quantum behaved particle swarm optimisation
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Singh, Manas Ranjan ; Mahapatra, Siba Sankar ; Mishra, Ratikanta |
Published in: |
International journal of services and operations management. - Olney : Inderscience, ISSN 1744-2370, ZDB-ID 2186492-5. - Vol. 20.2015, 1, p. 1-20
Subject: | flexible job shop | quantum particle swarm optimisation | QPSO makespan | robust measures | machine breakdown | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem | Durchlaufzeit | Lead time | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Evolutionärer Algorithmus | Evolutionary algorithm | Produktionssteuerung | Production control | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming |
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