Robustly optimal monetary policy in a microfounded New Keynesian model
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Adam, Klaus ; Woodford, Michael |
Published in: |
Journal of monetary economics. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, ISSN 0304-3932, ZDB-ID 191155-7. - Vol. 59.2012, 5, p. 468-487
Subject: | Robust control | Near-rational expectations | Belief distortions | Target criterion | Geldpolitik | Monetary policy | Rationale Erwartung | Rational expectations | Inflationssteuerung | Inflation targeting | Theorie | Theory | Neoklassische Synthese | Neoclassical synthesis | Erwartungsbildung | Expectation formation | Robustes Verfahren | Robust statistics | Keynesianismus | Keynesian economics |
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