Type of publication: Article
Language: English
Peter Haan thanks for the financial support of the German Science Foundation (DFG) in the project 1169 entitled “Work Incentives, Earnings-Related Subsidies, and Employment in Low-Wage Labour Markets”. Michal Myck acknowledges the support through the REVISER project, an RTN project financed by the European Commission (contract no. HPRN-CT-2002-00330). Data from the Polish Household Budgets Survey (Badanie Budżetów Gospodarstw Domowych, BBGD) collected by the Polish Central Statistical Office have been made available for development of the SIMPL microsimulation model by the Polish Ministry of Labour and Social Policy (MPiPS). The support of the MPiPS in the process of SIMPL’s development is gratefully acknowledged. We are grateful for useful comments to two anonymous referees. The usual disclaimer applies.
Classification: J21 - Labor Force and Employment, Size, and Structure ; I38 - Government Policy; Provision and Effects of Welfare Programs ; D13 - Household Production and Intrahouse Allocation
Persistent link: https://www.econbiz.de/10008784504