Sensitivity of the discount rate to the expected payoff in project valuation
Year of publication: |
June 2017
Authors: | Johnstone, David |
Published in: |
Decision analysis : a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, INFORMS. - Catonsville, MD : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, ISSN 1545-8490, ZDB-ID 2141455-5. - Vol. 14.2017, 2, p. 126-136
Subject: | expected utility | mean-variance | cost of capital | discount rate | CAPM | Diskontierung | Discounting | Kapitalkosten | Cost of capital | Theorie | Theory | Erwartungsnutzen | Expected utility | Zins | Interest rate | Cash Flow | Cash flow | Risikoprämie | Risk premium | Soziale Diskontrate | Social discount rate | Diskontpolitik | Discount rate policy |
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