Sequential-analysis-based randomized-regret-methods for lotsizing and scheduling
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Drexl, Andreas ; Haase, Knut |
Publisher: |
Kiel : Universität Kiel, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre |
Subject: | Produktionssteuerung | Simulation | Theorie | Lotsizing and scheduling | backward algorithm / local search | biased sampling via randomized regrets / Monte Carlo Simulation | hypothesis testing / sequential analysis |
Sequential-analysis-based randomized-regret-methods for lotsizing and scheduling
Drexl, Andreas, (1993)
De Smet, Niels, (2020)
Modeling lotsizing and scheduling problems with sequence dependent setups
Guimarãres, Luis, (2014)
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Fast approximation methods for sales force deployment
Drexl, Andreas, (1996)
Losgrößen- und Ablaufplanung in PPS-Systemen auf der Basis randomisierter Opportunitätskosten
Drexl, Andreas, (1993)
A new type of model for multi-item capacitated dynamic lotsizing and scheduling
Drexl, Andreas, (1992)
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