Services and the Doha Development Agenda : Southern perspectives
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Sauvé, Pierre |
Published in: |
Developing countries and the Doha development agenda of the WTO. - London [u.a.] : Routledge, ISBN 0-415-39140-7. - 2006, p. 74-92
Subject: | Entwicklungspolitik | Development policy | Entwicklungshilfe | Development aid | Internationale Handelspolitik | International trade policy | WTO-Recht | WTO law | Industrieländer | Industrialized countries | Entwicklungsländer | Developing countries | TRIPS |
Developing countries and the Doha development agenda of the WTO
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Dijck, Pitou van, (2006)
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Anderson, Kym, (2006)
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