Social and economic development in the Arab Gulf
Alternative title: | Social and economic development in the Arab Gulf |
Year of publication: |
Other Persons: | Niblock, Tim (ed.) |
Institutions: | Exeter Centre for Arab Gulf Studies (contributor) |
Publisher: |
London [u.a.] : Croom Helm [u.a.] |
Subject: | Entwicklung | Sozialgeschichte | Industrialisierung | Mineralöl | Sozialstruktur | Mittlerer und Naher Osten | Persischer Golf | Economic development | Arabische Golf-Staaten | Gulf countries | Mittlerer Osten | Middle East | Wirtschaftswachstum | Economic growth | Golfstaaten | Wirtschaftsentwicklung |
The impact of oil revenues on Arab Gulf development
Azhary, Mohammad S. el, (1984)
Oil, industrialization and development in the Arab Gulf States
Kubursi, Atif A., (1984)
Industrialization in the Gulf : a socioeconomic revolution
Seznec, Jean-François, (2011)
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The political economy of the Middle East
Niblock, Tim, (1999)
"Pariah states" and sanctions in the Middle East : Iraq, Libya, Sudan
Niblock, Tim, (2001)
Niblock, Tim, (1999)
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