Some optimum algorithms for scheduling problems with changeover costs
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Authors: | Hu, T. C. ; Kuo, Y. C. ; Ruskey, F. |
Published in: |
Operations research. - Catonsville, MD : INFORMS, ISSN 0030-364X, ZDB-ID 123389-0. - Vol. 35.1987, 1, p. 94-99
Subject: | Betriebliche Produktionspolitik | Kosten | Fertigungskosten | Statistische Methoden | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem | Theorie | Theory | Algorithmus | Algorithm | Evolutionärer Algorithmus | Evolutionary algorithm | Produktionssteuerung | Production control |
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Error bounds and the applicability of the greedy solution to the coin-changing problem
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