Spanning, Valuation and Options.
We model the space of marketed assets as a Riesz space of commodities. In this setting two alternative characterizations are given of the space of continuous options on a bounded asset, [s], with limited liability. The first characterization represents every continuous option on [s] as the uniform limit of portfolios of calls on [s]. The second characterization represents an option as a continuous sum (or integral) of Arrow-Debreu securities, with respect to [s]. The pricing implications of these representations are explored. In particular, the Breeden-Littzenberger pricing formula is shown to be a direct consequence of the integral representation theorem.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Brown, Donald J ; Ross, Stephen A |
Published in: |
Economic Theory. - Springer. - Vol. 1.1991, 1, p. 3-12
Publisher: |
Springer |
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