Statistical inference via bootstrapping for measures of inequality
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Mills, Jeffrey Alan |
Other Persons: | Zandvakili, Sourushe (contributor) |
Published in: |
Journal of applied econometrics. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, ISSN 0883-7252, ZDB-ID 633941-4. - Vol. 12.1997, 2, p. 133-150
Subject: | Einkommensverteilung | Income distribution | Messung | Measurement | Statistische Methodenlehre | Statistical theory | Umverteilung | Redistribution | Theorie | Theory | USA | United States | 1983-1989 |
Statistical Inference Via Bootstrapping for Measures of Inequality
Mills, Jeffrey A., (1998)
Two refinements in the measurement of income redistribution : Sweden, the US, and UK
Ankrom, Jeff A., (1990)
Two refinements in the measurement of income redistribution : Sweden, the US, and UK
Ankrom, Jeff A., (1990)
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Zandvakili, Sourushe, (2001)
The distributional effects of US tax and transfer policy on the household
Mills, Jeffrey Alan, (2003)
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Mills, Jeffrey Alan, (2004)
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