Statistical inference with PLSc using bootstrap confidence intervals
Year of publication: |
September 2018
Authors: | Aguirre-Urreta, Miguel I. ; Rönkkö, Mikko |
Published in: |
Management information systems : mis quarterly. - Minneapolis, MN : Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, ISSN 0276-7783, ZDB-ID 405089-7. - Vol. 42.2018, 3, p. 1001-1020
Subject: | Partial least squares | significance testing | bootstrap | confidence intervals | statistical inference | disattenuation | consistent partial least squares | Schätztheorie | Estimation theory | Bootstrap-Verfahren | Bootstrap approach | Induktive Statistik | Statistical inference | Kleinste-Quadrate-Methode | Least squares method | Statistische Methodenlehre | Statistical theory | Partielle kleinste Quadrate |
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