Stochastic economic lot sizing and scheduling problem with pitch interval, reorder points and flexible sequence
Year of publication: |
October 2015
Authors: | Cunha Neto, E. ; Ferreira Filho, V. J. M. ; Arruda, E. F. |
Published in: |
International journal of production research. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0020-7543, ZDB-ID 160477-6. - Vol. 53.2015, 19 (1.10.), p. 5948-5961
Subject: | lean manufacturing | replenishment pull system | fluid models | SELSP | lot sizing | scheduling | Theorie | Theory | Scheduling-Verfahren | Scheduling problem | Produktionssteuerung | Production control | Losgröße | Lot size | Lean Production | Lean production | Mathematische Optimierung | Mathematical programming | Lagerhaltungsmodell | Inventory model | Produktionsplanung | Production planning |
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