Stock movement prediction using machine learning based on technical indicators and google trend searches in Thailand
Kittipob Saetia and Jiraphat Yokrattanasak
Machine learning for stock market prediction has recently been popular for identifying stock selection strategies and providing market insights. In this study, we adopted machine learn‑ ing algorithms to analyze technical indicators, and Google Trends search terms based on the Thai stock market. This study uses three datasets, which are technical indicators, Google Trends search terms, and a combination of the two. The objectives were to study and identify the factors in stock selection, develop and evaluate portfolio selection models using keyword proxies from the three datasets mentioned, and compare the performance of the selected algorithms. In the prediction pro‑ cess, we discovered that the combination of technical indicators and Google Trends search terms while applying Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) ex‑ hibited the highest ROC curves. For success prediction rate and annualized return, Random Forest and XGBoost were almost similar but still different. While XGBoost performs well during a period of market critical conditions (COVID‑19), Random Forest performs marginally better than XGBoost during normal market conditions in terms of average success rate.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Kittipob Saetia ; Jiraphat Yokrattanasak |
Published in: |
International Journal of Financial Studies : open access journal. - Basel : MDPI, ISSN 2227-7072, ZDB-ID 2704235-2. - Vol. 11.2023, 1, Art.-No. 5, p. 1-21
Subject: | stocks | Google Trends | machine learning | Künstliche Intelligenz | Artificial intelligence | Thailand | Suchmaschine | Search engine | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Börsenkurs | Share price | Finanzanalyse | Financial analysis |
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