Technology strategy, technological context and technological catch-up in emerging economies : industry-level findings from Chinese manufacturing
Bin Guo, Jing Gao and Xiaoling Chen
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Authors: | Guo, Bin ; Gao, Jing ; Chen, Xiaoling |
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Technology analysis & strategic management. - Abingdon, Oxfordshire : Routledge, Taylor & Francis, ISSN 0953-7325, ZDB-ID 32138-2. - Vol. 25.2013, 2, p. 219-234
Subject: | China | Technischer Fortschritt | Technological change | Industrie | Manufacturing industries | Schwellenländer | Emerging economies | Wirtschaftliche Konvergenz | Economic convergence | Innovationsmanagement | Innovation management | Technologietransfer | Technology transfer | Technologie | Technology |
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