Term structure modeling and forecasting of government bond yields : does a good in -sample fit imply reasonable out-of-sample forecasts?
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Ullah, Wali ; Matsuda, Yasumasa ; Tsukuda, Yoshihiko |
Published in: |
Economic papers : a journal of applied economics and policy. - Richmond, Victoria : Wiley Publishing Asia, ISSN 0812-0439, ZDB-ID 1184385-8. - Vol. 32.2013, 4, p. 535-560
Subject: | non-linear | least square | simulation | maximum likelihood | in-sample fit | forecasting | yield curve | Zinsstruktur | Yield curve | Prognoseverfahren | Forecasting model | Öffentliche Anleihe | Public bond | Theorie | Theory | Prognose | Forecast | Kapitaleinkommen | Capital income | Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzung | Maximum likelihood estimation |
Lee, Chang Hoon, (2015)
The term structure of government bond yields in an emerging market
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Forecasting the term structure of government bond yields in unstable environments
Byrne, Joseph P., (2017)
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Ullah, Wali, (2013)
Ullah, Wali, (2012)
Term Structure Modeling and Forecasting of Government Bond Yields
Ullah, Wali, (2013)
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