As the second-largest multilateral development bank (MDB) by membership, with 105 members, including 17 members of the G20, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) already has had a significant impact on MDB governance. This chapter examines the AIIB under the sites of governance framework developed by Professor Francis Snyder; globalisation, under that framework, is governed by a collection of sites of governance throughout the world, with each site having a structural (including institutions and norms) and relational (relations with other sites) dimension. Consistent with Prof. Snyder’s framework, the AIIB’s structures and relationships have influenced one another and, at the same time, have been shaped by a range of actors, both public and private. The AIIB’s relationships with governments and other MDBs at times have encouraged adherence to established MDB practices but at times have encouraged – indeed, arguably required – innovation. The interactions between the AIIB’s structures and relations ultimately have led to a Beijing-based MDB that can be viewed as a unique and consequential site of governance