The comparative dynamics of developed and emerging stock markets : a long memory perspective
Year of publication: |
June 2018
Authors: | Bhattacharya, Sharad Nath ; Bhattacharya, Mousumi ; Guhathakurta, Kousik |
Published in: |
Theoretical economics letters. - Irvine, Calif. : Scientific Research, ISSN 2162-2078, ZDB-ID 2657454-8. - Vol. 8.2018, 8, p. 1493-1509
Subject: | Long Memory | Rescaled Range | Detrended Fluctuation Analysis | Fractional Integration | Spectral Regression | Zeitreihenanalyse | Time series analysis | Aktienmarkt | Stock market | Theorie | Theory | ARMA-Modell | ARMA model | Schwellenländer | Emerging economies | Volatilität | Volatility | Regressionsanalyse | Regression analysis |
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