Recommended readings (Machine generated): Paul A. Samuelson (1983), 'Thünen at Two Hundred', Journal of Economic Literature, XXI (4), December, 1468-88 -- Colin Clark (1967), 'Von Thünen's Isolated State', Oxford Economic Papers, New Series, 19 (3), November, 370-77 -- William Alonso (1960), 'A Theory of the Urban Land Market', Papers and Proceedings of the Regional Science Association, 6 (1), January, 149-57 -- Edwin S. Mills (1967), 'An Aggregative Model of Resource Allocation in a Metropolitan Area', American Economic Review, 57 (2), May, 197-210 -- Dennis R. Capozza and Robert W. Helsley (1989), 'The Fundamentals of Land Prices and Urban Growth', Journal of Urban Economics, 26 (3), November, 295-306 -- Peter Mieszkowski and Edwin S. Mills (1993), 'The Causes of Metropolitan Suburbanization', Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7 (3), Summer, 135-47 -- Sheridan Titman (1985), 'Urban Land Prices under Uncertainty', American Economic Review, 75 (3), June, 505-14 -- Dennis R. Capozza and Robert W. Helsley (1990), 'The Stochastic City', Journal of Urban Economics, 28 (2), September, 187-203 -- Laarni Bulan, Christopher Mayer and C. Tsuriel Somerville (2009), 'Irreversible Investment, Real Options, and Competition: Evidence from Real Estate Development', Journal of Urban Economics, 65 (3), May, 237-51 -- William C. Wheaton (2004), 'Commuting, Congestion, and Employment Dispersal in Cities with Mixed Land Use', Journal of Urban Economics, 55 (3), May, 417-38 -- John F. McDonald and Daniel P. McMillen (2000), 'Employment Subcenters and Subsequent Real Estate Development in Suburban Chicago', Journal of Urban Economics, 48 (1), July, 135-57 -- Marcy Burchfield, Henry G. Overman, Diego Puga and Matthew A. Turner (2006), 'Causes of Sprawl: A Portrait from Space', Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121 (2), May, 587-633 -- Stuart S. Rosenthal and Robert W. Helsley (1994), 'Redevelopment and the Urban Land Price Gradient', Journal of Urban Economics, 35 (2), March, 182-200 -- Edward L. Glaeser and Joseph Gyourko (2005), 'Urban Decline and Durable Housing', Journal of Political Economy, 113 (2), April, 345-75 -- Hans R.A. Koster, Jos van Ommeron and Piet Rietveld (2014), 'Is the Sky the Limit? High-rise Buildings and Office Rents', Journal of Economic Geography, 14 (1), January, 125-53 -- Paul Cheshire and Stephen Sheppard (2004), 'Capitalising the Value of Free Schools: The Impact of Supply Characteristics and Uncertainty', Economic Journal, 114, November, F397-F424 -- Soren T. Anderson and Sarah E. West (2006), 'Open Space, Residential Property Values, and Spatial Context', Regional Science and Urban Economics, 36 (6), November, 773-89 -- Stephen Gibbons and Stephen Machin (2005), 'Valuing Rail Access Using Transport Innovations', Journal of Urban Economics, 57 (1), January, 148-69 -- Nicolai V. Kuminoff and Jaren C. Pope (2014), 'Do "Capitalization Effects" for Public Goods Reveal the Public's Willingness to Pay?', International Economic Review, 55 (4), November, 1227-50