The impact of auditor conservatism on accruals and going concern opinion : Iranian angle
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine high-quality auditors’ conservatism in Iran market based on the classification of Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) in terms of their reaction to client’s earnings management behavior and their limitations to issue the going concern opinions (GCOs) over an eight-year period from 2009 to 2016. Design/methodology/approach: The study population consists of 1,376 observations and 172 companies listed on the TSE during the years 2009-2016. Following the prior studies, the authors used the modified Jones model to measure discretionary accruals as a proxy for earnings management. Findings: The results witnessed a negative relationship between the size of the audit firm and discretionary accruals; besides, the relationship between abnormal accruals and GCO on companies audited by high-quality audit firms is higher than other companies. In other words, firms with GCO, which were audited by the Iranian large auditors, report negative abnormal accruals less than those audited by non-large auditors. In short, in spite of the special features of Iran market because of economic sanctions, this paper extends prior literature clarifying that auditors’ conservatism induces accrual reversals when auditors issue GCOs. One interpretation of this result is that the existence of such association is because of not only auditor conservatism but also financially distressed firms. Practical implications: The outcomes of this paper will help to fill the knowledge gap related to this issue between developing and developed countries because this investigation exposed more than ever the vital role of the auditor as an observer on the financial statements. Without any exaggeration, this research will make investors and stakeholders aware of this fact that auditor conservatism will be effective in reducing the manipulation of financial reporting and agency problems in emerging markets, particularly those markets facing with economic sanctions like Iran. Originality/value: Because of Iran’s dire economic situation during the period under consideration, this is one of the most comprehensive research among the countries of the Middle East that surveys the impact of auditor conservatism on accruals and GCO in an emerging market, namely, Iran.
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Authors: | Salehi, Mahdi ; Tarighi, Hossein ; Sahebkar, Haydar |
Published in: |
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. - Emerald, ISSN 1753-8394, ZDB-ID 2423843-0. - Vol. 11.2018, 4 (12.11.), p. 650-666
Publisher: |
Emerald |
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