The impact of pension system reform on projected old-age income: The case of Poland
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Jarocinska, Elena ; Ruzik-SierdziĆska, Anna |
Publisher: |
Warsaw : Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) |
Subject: | pension benefits | inequality | replacement rates | microsimulation |
Series: | |
Type of publication: | Book / Working Paper |
Type of publication (narrower categories): | Research Report |
Language: | English |
ISBN: | 978-83-7178-636-5 |
Other identifiers: | 869655353 [GVK] hdl:10419/179704 [Handle] RePEc:sec:cnstan:0482 [RePEc] |
Classification: | H55 - Social Security and Public Pensions ; J26 - Retirement; Retirement Policies |
Source: |
The impact of pension system reform on projected old-age income : the case of Poland
Jarocinska, Elena, (2016)
The distributional effects of the pension system reform in Poland
Jarocinska, Elena, (2023)
The distributional effects of the pension system reform in Poland
Jarocinska, Elena, (2023)
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The distributional effects of the pension system reform in Poland
Jarocinska, Elena, (2023)
Jarocinska, Elena, (2014)
The impact of pension system reform on projected old-age income : the case of Poland
Jarocinska, Elena, (2016)
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