The impact of the community reinvestment act on neighborhood gentrification
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Zuluaga, Diego ; Forrester, Andrew C. |
Published in: |
Quarterly journal of finance & accounting : QJFA. - Omaha, Neb. : Creighton Univ., ISSN 1939-8123, ZDB-ID 2432432-2. - Vol. 58.2020, 3, p. 7-32
Subject: | Community Reinvestment Act | Lending | Gentrification | Wohnstandort | Residential location | Kreditpolitik | Credit policy | Niedrigeinkommen | Low income | Stadterneuerung | Urban renewal | Bankrecht | Banking law | Kreditgeschäft | Bank lending | Wohnsoziologie | Housing sociology | Nachbarschaft | Neighbourhood | Hypothek | Mortgage |
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