The inefficiency of Nash and subgame perfect equilibria for network routing
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Correa, José ; Jong, Jasper de ; Keijzer, Bart de ; Uetz, Marc |
Published in: |
Mathematics of operations research. - Catonsville, MD : INFORMS, ISSN 0364-765X, ZDB-ID 195683-8. - Vol. 44.2019, 4, p. 1286-1303
Subject: | Nash and subgame perfect equilibrium | price of anarchy | congestion games | network routung | Nash-Gleichgewicht | Nash equilibrium | Spieltheorie | Game theory | Gleichgewichtstheorie | Equilibrium theory | Nichtkooperatives Spiel | Noncooperative game | Engpass | Bottleneck | Netzwerk | Network | Gleichgewichtsmodell | Equilibrium model |
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