The influence of self-congruity on customer loyalty of coffee shops : evidence from global-chain and local-chain coffee shops in Indonesia
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Authors: | Anjani, Dela ; Dewi, Ike Janita |
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ASEAN marketing journal : Association of Southeast Asian Nations marketing journal. - Depok : Management Research Center (MRC), Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, ISSN 2085-5044, ZDB-ID 2894978-X. - Vol. 12.2020, 2, p. 121-133
Subject: | customer loyalty | global versus local coffee shops | self-congruity | Konsumentenverhalten | Consumer behaviour | Indonesien | Indonesia | Beziehungsmarketing | Relationship marketing | Kaffee | Coffee | Kaffeesektor | Coffee sector | Kundenzufriedenheit | Customer satisfaction | Kaffeeanbau | Coffee farming | Gastronomie | Restaurant industry | Kundenbindung | Customer retention | Einzelhandel | Retail trade |
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