The logarithmic stochastic tracing procedure : a homotopy method to compute stationary equilibria of stochastic games
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Authors: | Eibelshäuser, Steffen ; Klockmann, Victor ; Poensgen, David ; Schenk, Alicia von |
Published in: |
INFORMS journal on computing : JOC ; charting new directions in operations research and computer science ; a journal of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. - Linthicum, Md. : INFORMS, ISSN 1526-5528, ZDB-ID 2004082-9. - Vol. 35.2023, 6, p. 1511-1526
Subject: | equilibrium computation | equilibrium selection | homotopy method | stochastic game | tracing | Stochastisches Spiel | Stochastic game | Gleichgewichtsmodell | Equilibrium model | Gleichgewichtstheorie | Equilibrium theory | Stochastischer Prozess | Stochastic process | Markov-Kette | Markov chain | Nash-Gleichgewicht | Nash equilibrium | Nichtkooperatives Spiel | Noncooperative game |
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