The Middle East : a political and economic survey
Year of publication: |
1980 ; 5. ed
Other Persons: | Mansfield, Peter (contributor) |
Publisher: |
Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press |
Subject: | Politische La§ nderkunde | Wirtschaftsgeographie | La§ nderkunde | Mittlerer und Naher Osten | Mittlerer Osten | Middle East | Wirtschaftslage | Macroeconomic performance | Internationale Beziehungen | International relations | Entwicklung | Economic development |
The Middle East : a political and economic survey
Bullard, Reader, (1958)
The Middle East : a political and economic survey
Mansfield, Peter, (1973)
The Middle East : a political and economic survey
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Mansfield, Peter, (1965)
The Middle East : a political and economic survey
Mansfield, Peter, (1973)
Mansfield, Peter, (1973)
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