The probability of condorcet cycles and super majority rules
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Balasko, Yves |
Other Persons: | Crès, Hervé (contributor) |
Published in: |
Journal of economic theory. - Amsterdam : Elsevier, ISSN 0022-0531, ZDB-ID 410539-4. - Vol. 75.1997, 2, p. 237-270
Subject: | Abstimmungsregel | Voting rule | Präferenztheorie | Theory of preferences | Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung | Probability theory | Theorie | Theory |
Probabilities of preferences and cycles with super majority rules
Tovey, Craig A., (1997)
Proper scoring rules with general preferences : A dual characterization of optimal reports
Chambers, Christopher P., (2019)
The probability of Condorcet cycles and super majority rules
Balasko, Yves, (1995)
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The Probability of Condorcet Cycles and Super Majority Rules.
Balasko, Yves, (1995)
The Probability of Condorcet Cycles and Super Majority Rules
Balasko, Yves, (1997)
Condorcet cycles in bipartite populations
Balasko, Yves, (1998)
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