The role of Quality in the development and implementation of the regional strategies
Analysis of differences in the Quality of Life in multiple economic systems and countries leads to large-scale conclusions in the fields of politics, economics and some technical sciences. Quality of Life and the level of satisfaction with this Quality are determined through values which are subjectively defined by an individual as to how his or her needs are met, for example, by the quality of goods and services. For the political system of any country, the most important strategic concept must be oriented towards preferences that reflect the basic needs and choices of the people. Without understanding such concept it is impossible to sustain market development and substantially improve the Quality of Life. Under the influence of globalization and economic integration various processes across the Global Marketplace move towards conversion of and collision of values of people in the Developed and Emerging Market Countries. This process requires a more unified systemic quality management, starting from managing the quality of goods and services, public governance and ultimately resulting in managing the Quality of Life. In this regard, the study of the authors is aimed at the development and application of various methods of the Economics for Quality, as well as at assessing the impact of Quality on the modernization of economic systems and creating the conditions for their continued sustainable development. Economics for Quality involves the economic analysis and the development of management models - management systems, which can be used at all levels of corporate and state governance in order to ensure sustainable development. Quality Management Systems are a vital part of an innovative socio-economic life and facilitate the generation of initiatives. As the Global Community heads towards a knowledge-based economy using the intellectual potential as the predominant economic force at the Global Marketplace, Quality Management Systems will require worldwide implementation. If Quality Management Systems are practiced in full, then the quality of life in any country regardless of its socio-economic system will increase. Thus, the authors have analyzed the philosophical and political-economic bases of development within a sample of economic systems, looking for the reasons that could explain the difference in the Quality of Life levels in terms of different economic systems, and developing ideas and proposals for managing the Quality of Life based on our findings. The study has resulted in the development of methodological and practical recommendations relating to the future of different political-economic systems in the aspect of ensuring a high Quality of Life.