Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of tourism paradox and tourism equinox on destinations in relation to tourism. The opportunities to create a new form of tourism practice that potentially reduces our environmental and social impacts, while simultaneously enhancing our individual experiences, are the focus of a number of ideas in this paper. Design – Having the tourism industry as the only development model for a country with its natural and cultural resources could not only destroy the social life but also the tourism industry itself. The prospects of even more income will cause an increase in the tourism revenue generation capacity of the destination, which often causes deterioration and devastation of the attractions at the destination and a decrease of the tourism earnings in the long run. Methodology – The methodology of this paper includes secondary literature sources and examples of approaches for sustainable tourism development of the existing strategies. Sustainable tourism is the only type of tourism that can offer an authentic countryside lifestyle area, where it is possible to relax and enjoy nature and countryside atmosphere, like in Tuscany, Provence, Wachau, etc. These approaches cover a multitude of areas of study and implementation ranging from, but not limited to environmental, social, economic and urban development and design. Approach – In common usage, the word “paradox” often refers to statements that are ironic or unexpected. “Tourism paradox” is the name given to this phenomenon where industrial tourism deteriorates or destroys natural and cultural environment, which is necessary for tourism activities. The balance, which does not change and disturbs the social and economic relations at the destination is called “tourism equinox”. The name “equinox” is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night), because around the equinox, night and day are about equal length. New projects and approaches to solve the problem caused by the growth of urban populations and establish healthy sustainable tourism destinations are becoming more important than ever. Findings – Projects which focus on and emphasize the economic and social benefits should be undertaken in order to protect these values in the long run. Sustainability should be substantiated through policy and legislation and should be primary objective in all decisions regarding tourism. Rural tourism must be promoted as a key driver of rural tourism development, and funds must be devoted to supporting the development of rural regions. In order to avoid tourism paradox, tourism equinox should be well placed to contribute directly to rural development as many rural areas are attractive to visitors. The originality of this research – Although the equation “more tourists=more tourism income” is so simple, it is not a sustainable approach for the development plans. The awareness of locals and visitors should be raised in order to prevent damage to the historical and cultural environment. The carrying capacity of the region should be determined under sustainable principles, and local governments, non-governmental organizations, universities and professional organizations should cooperate against adverse environmental effects caused by tourism.