The weak axiom of revealed preference and homogeneity of demand functions
Year of publication: |
Authors: | John, Reinhard |
Institutions: | University of Bonn, Germany |
Subject: | Weak axiom of revealed preferences | Wald`s axiom | Slutzky substitution matrices |
Income distributions and the weak axiom of revealed preference
Grodal, Birgit, (1987)
Gossner, Olivier, (2015)
A canon of probabilistic rationality
Cerreia-Vioglio, Simone, (2021)
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A Note on Minty Variational Inequalities and Generalized Monotonicity
John, Reinhard, (1999)
Strategic step-by-step negotiation
John, Reinhard, (1999)
Abraham Wald's equilibrium existence proof reconsidered
John, Reinhard, (1999)
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