Towards greater diversification in central bank reserves
Marie Brière (PhD in Economics and is Head of Investors Research Center at Amundi, Affilitate Professor of Financial Economics at Paris Dauphine University (France) and Senior Assiociate Researcher at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, SBS-EM, Centre Emile Bernheim (Belgium). Her research focuses on long-term asset allocation and risk management, with the global to advise strategic decision of institutional investors. She is the Managing Editor of the academic journal Bankers Markets and Investors. Her articles have been published in academic journals including Financial Analyst Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journa of International Money and Finance, Journal of Portfolio Management and so on.), Valérie Mignon (PhD in Economics and is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris Ouest (France) where she teaches macroeconometrics, finance and econometrics. She is also director of EconomiX-CNRS, a research center in economics operated by the CNRS (Nartional Centre for Scientific Research) and the University of Paris Ouest, and scientific advisor to the French center for research and expertise on the world economy (CEPII). Her main research interest concerns international macroeconomics, finance and econometrics. She has published many articles in international peer-reviewed academic journals and various boolks in macroeconomics, finance and econometrics.), Kim Oosterlinck (MSc in Management, a Master in Art History and Archeology, and a PhD in Economics and Management from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. After a postdoctoral stay at Rutgers University (the State University of New Jersey) he became professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles where he currently teaches finance. His main research interests are sovereign bond valuation, financial history and art market investments. He has published in several academic journals such as American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), Journal of Economic History, Journal of Monetary Economics and Review of Finance.), Ariane Szafarz (Professor of Finance at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management (SBS-EM), Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB). She holds a PhD in Mathematics and an MD in Philosophy. Her research topics include microfinance, financial markets and international finance. She is Co-Director of the Centre for European Research in Microfinance (CERMi), Co-Director of the SBS-EM Doctoral Program in Management Sciences and Presidnet of the Marie-Christine Adam Fund. She has published several books and scientific articles in, for example, Econometric Theory, European Economic Review, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of International Money and Finance, and World Development.)