Trade relations among countries having different economic and social systems and all trade flows resulting therefrom : the co-operation mechanism among countries having different economic and social systems ; study by the UNCTAD Secretariat
Alternative title: | The co-operation mechanism among countries having different economic and social systems. UNCTAD V, item 17, (supporting paper) |
Year of publication: |
Institutions: | United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Trade and Development Board, 5. sess., Manila, Philippines, 7.5.1979, item 17 of the provisional agenda (contributor) |
Publisher: |
Manila |
Subject: | Aussenwirtschaftsbeziehung | Technik Technologietransfer | Entwicklungsländer | Ostblockstaaten |
Vostok - zapad : ekonomiceskoe sotrudnicestvo
Mal'kevic, Vladislav Leonidovic, (1981)
Technology and East-West trade
Technology transfer between east and west
Zaleski, Eugène, (1980)
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