Recommended readings (Machine generated): Williamson, Oliver E. and Scott E. Masten (1995), Transaction Cost Economics, Volume I: Theory and Concepts and Volume II: Policy and Applications, Aldershot, UK and Brookfield, VT, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1985), 'The Limits of Firms: Incentive and Bureaucratic Features', Chapter 6 in Oliver E. Williamson (ed.), The Economic Institutions of Capitalism: Firms, Markets, Relational Contracting, New York: The Free Press, 131-62 and references -- Llewellyn, Karl (1931), 'What Price Contract? An Essay in Perspective', Yale Law Journal, 40 (May), 704-51 -- Commons, John R. (1934), Institutional Economics, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press -- Barnard, Chester (1938), The Functions of the Executive, Cambridge, MA, USA: Harvard University Press (fifteenth printing, 1962) -- Coase, Ronald H. (1937), 'The Nature of the Firm', Economica N.S., 4, 386-405. Reprinted in Oliver E. Williamson and Sidney Winter (eds) (1991), The Nature of the Firm: Origins, Evolution, Development, New York: Oxford University Press, 18-33 -- Commons, John R. (1925), 'Law and Economics', Yale Law Journal, 34, 371-82. -- Hayek, Friedrich (1945), 'The Use of Knowledge in Society', American Economic Review, 35 (4), September, 519-30 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1988), 'The Nature of the Firm: Influence', Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 4 (1), Spring, 33-48 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1960), 'The Problem of Social Cost', Journal of Law and Economics, 3 (October), 1-44 -- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1969), 'The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Nonmarket Allocation', in The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditure: The PPB System, Vol. 1, U.S. Joint Economic Committee, 91st Congress, 1st Session. Washington, DC: US Government Printing Office, 59-73 -- Matthews, R.C.O. (1986), 'The Economics of Institutions and the Sources of Economic Growth', Economic Journal, 96 (384), December, 903-18 -- Hodgson, Geoffrey (1988), Economics and Institutions, Cambridge, UK: Polity Press -- Posner, Richard A. (1993), 'The New Institutional Economics Meets Law and Economics', Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 149 (1), March, 73-87 -- Coase, Ronald H. (1972), 'Industrial Organization: A Proposal for Research', in Victor R. Fuchs (ed.), Policy Issues and Research Opportunities in Industrial Organization, New York: National Bureau of Economic Research. (Reprinted in The Economics of Transaction Costs, Volume I, Edward Elgar) -- Arrow, Kenneth J. (1974), The Limits of Organization (first edition), New York, NY, USA: W. W. Norton and Company Ltd. -- Simon, Herbert A. (1962), 'The Architecture of Complexity', Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 106 (6), December, 467-82 -- Alchian, Armen A. and Harold Demsetz (1972), 'Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization', American Economic Review, LXII, December, 777-95 -- Williamson, Oliver E. (1971), 'The Vertical Integration of Production: Market Failure Considerations', American Economic Review, 61 (2), May, 112-23.