Valuing Water Quality as a Function of Water Quality Measures
Employing a unique and rich data set of water quality attributes in conjunction with detailed household characteristics and trip information, we develop a mixed logit model of recreational lake usage and undertake thorough model specification and fitting procedures to identify the best set of explanatory variables, and their functional form for the estimated model. Our empirical analysis shows that individuals are responsive to the full set of water quality measures used by biologists to identify the impaired status of lakes. Thus, changes in these quality measures are not simply a scientific exercise, but they also translate into changes in the recreational usage patterns and well-being of individual households. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates are reported based on improvements in these physical measures. Copyright 2009, Oxford University Press.
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Downing, John A. |
Published in: |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. - Agricultural and Applied Economics Association - AAEA. - Vol. 91.2009, 1, p. 106-123
Publisher: |
Agricultural and Applied Economics Association - AAEA |
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