What are the determinants of the capital structure? : evidence from Switzerland
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Drobetz, Wolfgang ; Fix, Roger |
Published in: |
Swiss journal of economics and statistics. - Bern : Lang, ISSN 0303-9692, ZDB-ID 200233-4. - Vol. 141.2005, 1, p. 71-113
Subject: | Kapitalstruktur | Capital structure | Konjunktur | Business cycle | Schätzung | Estimation | Schweiz | Switzerland |
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What determines the speed of adjustment to the target capital structure?
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What are the Determinants of the Capital Structure? : Some Evidence for Switzerland
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What are the Determinants of the Capital Structure? Evidence from Switzerland
Drobetz, Wolfgang, (2005)
What Are the Determinants of the Capital Structure? Evidence from Switzerland
Drobetz, Wolfgang, (2005)
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