Who needs to know? : knowledge LOF risk and the subsidiary staffing decision
Year of publication: |
Authors: | Calhoun, Mikelle A. ; Dunn-Jensen, Linda M. |
Published in: |
International journal of business environment : IJBE. - [Olney, Bucks.] : Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., ISSN 1740-0589, ZDB-ID 2251468-5. - Vol. 6.2014, 2, p. 146-160
Subject: | liability of foreignness | LOF | expatriates | host country nationals | knowledge due diligence | KDD | subsidiary staffing decision | knowledge LOF risk | knowledge-related liability of foreignness | KLOF | Multinationales Unternehmen | Transnational corporation | Ausländische Tochtergesellschaft | Foreign subsidiary | Wissenstransfer | Knowledge transfer | Wissensmanagement | Knowledge management | Auslandsaufenthalt | Expatriate assignment | Wissen | Knowledge |
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