Showing 1 - 10 of 15
Zur Rekonstruktion der Entwicklung und des Status der Disziplin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) wurden sechs Interviews mit …In order to reconstruct the development and status of the Information Systems (Wirtschaftsinformatik, WI) discipline in …
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This report presents the results of a partly explorative and partly hypotheses based interview study with eight renowned Information Systems researchers. The study was performed with the objective to re-construct the development and status of the discipline taking advantage of the diverse...
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performed with renowned researchers in the fields of Information Systems (IS) and Wirtschaftsinformatik - the corresponding IS …
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Partnership-Projekten wurde von Juni 2008 bis Oktober 2010 das Forschungsprojekt Lebenszyklusorientiertes Risikomanagement für PPP … Projektpartner als auch das Gesamtprojekt erreicht werden. Im dritten Teil wird das integrierte Risikomanagement-Prozessmodell über … integrierten Risikomanagement-Prozessmodell, den zu den einzelnen Prozessen gehörenden Methoden sowie organisationsspezifischen …
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Purpose – This paper aims to present the combination of enterprise risk management (ERM) and value-based management as especially suitable methods for companies with a shareholder value imperative. Among its major benefits, these methods make the contribution of risk management for business...
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The article clarifies the most essential methods for risk management.This includes especially the methods for identification, quantification and simulation based risk aggregation (e.g. monte carlo simulation). It is pointed up that an appropriate quantification of all relevant risks and a risk...
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Taking the right approach to managing opportunities and threats (risks) is key to company success in an unpredictable future. Unfortunately in many companies, controlling and risk management do not do enough to help the board and management weigh up the expected returns and risks when it comes...
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The COVID-19 pandemic is permanently changing modern social and economic coexistence. Most governments have declared infection control to be their top priority while citizens face great restrictions on their civil rights. A pandemic is an exemplary scenario in which political actors must decide...
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Risikomanagement erscheint zunächst als originär betriebswirtschaftliches Sujet. Globale Krisen wie die internationale … benötigt. Es ist essenziell, Entscheidungstragende für staatliches Risikomanagement zu sensibilisieren und Instrumente sowie …
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