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The main idea of current PhD thesis is the analysis of bank value and risk interdependence, and that bank value is conected with bank activity riskiness on consistent pattern and that this dependency is advisable to measure on probability basis with simulation modeling. In the work are presented...
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Disertacijoje nagrinėjamos banko vertės ir rizikos sąveikos problemos, ginama tezė, kad banko vertė susijusi su banko veiklos rizikų portfeliu dėsningai ir kad šią priklausomybę tikslinga matuoti per tikimybės ir patikimumo prizmes imitavimo būdu. Darbe pateikiamas susistemintas...
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The thesis attempts to analyse the issues of assessment of the impact of foreign direct investment (hereinafter referred to as FDI) on economic development. According to the results of different research studies, countries’ economic policies stimulating the flows of foreign investment are not...
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This dissertation paper defends a thesis that as the Lithuanian enterprises more actively participate in international contracts, the need for financing grows. In order to minimize possible microeconomic and macroeconomic loss, it is necessary to form the expediente strategy of financing;...
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This dissertationpaper defends a thesis that as the Lithuanian enterprises more actively participatein international contracts, the need for financing grows. In order to minimizepossible microeconomic and macroeconomic loss, it is necessary to form theexpediente strategy of financing;...
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In the recent years co-opetition has emerged as a new theoretical concept, emphasizing the concurrency of competition and cooperation in business rela-tionships. It is considered as an integrative bridge between older contributions which one-sidedly emphasize either competition or cooperation....
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Pasaulyje viena iš smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo (SVV) paramos formų – verslo inkubatoriai, plačiai tyrinėjami tiek teoretikų tiek praktikų. Užsienio šalių pažangi patirtis ir teikiama nauda skatinant SVV sektoriaus plėtrą rodo, jog verslo inkubatoriai yra tas potencialas, kuris...
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Regulations and practical problems of accounting of fixed asset were analysed in the present paper; also, suggestions for solving the problems were presented and analysis of fixed asset in the period of three years was carried out on the example of JSC “Mintuva”. Definitions of fixed assets...
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Magistriniame darbe nagrinėti ir susisteminti Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių finansinės analizės teoriniai bei praktiniai tyrimai, taip pat aprašytas ir pateiktas finansinės būklės optimizavimo modelis. Analizuojant įmonės veiklą būtina tinkamai parinkti finansinės analizės metodus,...
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In the master’s work there are analyzed and systemized various Lithuanian and foreign theoretical and practical researches of risk measures and control researches; there are researched banking risk, importance of liquidity control in commercial banks; formed liquidity risk control of the...
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