Showing 1 - 10 of 495
More competition among banks typically enhances the welfare of consumers. However, it may also involve a threat to financial stability, that is of vital importance for the functioning of economies. Read also the accompanying <a href="">press release</a>. This study reveals that many forms of competition do...
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Most analyses of future office demand rely on employment forecasts, taking office space per worker as given. This study analyses the determinants of office space per worker. After listing a number of hypotheses, an economic explanation is developed. Office space per worker is perceived as a...
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The paper provides a comprehensive survey of the economics behind the fight against hard core cartels. Differentiating between four subsequent stages - characterisation, welfare effects, enforcement and evaluation - the paper pays particular attention to cartel detection methods, the derivation...
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The paper characterises the building blocks of a framework to enforce antipredation rules and subsequently evaluates selected enforcement options in a Cournot-type duopoly predation model. Differentiating between a no rule approach, an ex ante approach and two ex post approaches, it is shown...
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Due to potential abuse of the market power at wholesale and retail market level for natural gas the Federal Cartel Office in Germany prohibited further forward integration of gas importing firms with retail incumbents from 2005/2006 to 2010. The Authority argued that the very few dominant gas...
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Nach dem Vorbild börsennotierter britischer Vereine wird es auch deutschen Profifußballvereinen in absehbarer Zukunft möglich sein, sich in Aktiengesellschaften umzuwandeln. Der anschließende Börsengang soll dann den nach den jüngsten Entwicklungen im Profifußballbereich gestiegenen...
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Die bundesdeutschen Fußballvereine weisen ein Umsatzvolumen auf, das dem mittelständischer Unternehmen entspricht. Gleichzeitig zeigt die hohe Verschuldung vieler Vereine, daß sie diesen Anforderungen nur unzureichend gewachsen sind. In diesem Beitrag soll anhand statistischer Auswertungen...
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