Showing 1 - 10 of 241
Das Zeitdreieck Versorgungssicherheit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Umweltschutz beschreibt grundlegende Ziele der Energiepolitik. Für die Wirtschaftlichkeit ist funktionierender Wettbewerb wesentlich, im Bereich der Netze ist jedoch staatliche Regulierung erforderlich. Im Hinblick auf Umweltschutz...
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Integrating large quantities of supply-driven renewable electricity generation remains a political and operational challenge. One of the main obstacles in Europe to installing at least 200 GWs of power from variable renewable sources is how to deal with the insufficient network capacity and the...
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This paper presents an analytical benchmark model for national intraday adjustment needs under consideration of fundamental drivers, market concentration and portfolio internal netting. The benchmark model is used to calculate the intraday market outcomes if (i) large and small players as well...
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In the context of yardstick regulation with long-lived assets, the influence of heterogeneous investment cycles on the ability to recover capital is found to be important. The application of efficient firm standards based on historic (straight-line) depreciation given heterogeneous investment...
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We analyze the treatment and impact of idiosyncratic or firm-specific risk in regulation. Regulatory authorities regularly ignore firm-specific characteristics, such as size or asset ages, implying different risk exposure in incentive regulation. In contrast, it is common to apply only a single...
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In der Aprilausgabe 2014 veröffentlichte der Wirtschaftsdienst einen Aufsatz mit dem Titel Neuordnung der Besteuerungskompetenzen bei der Einkommensteuer. Die Autoren des vorliegenden Beitrags setzen sich kritisch damit auseinander, im Anschluss erläutern Gisela Färber, Carsten Kühl und...
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Ueber das Fuer und Wider einer Foerderung Erneuerbarer Energien mittels spezifischer Foerderinstrumente wie dem EEG sowie ueber die bestmoegliche Ausgestaltung dieser Instrumente sind in den letzten Jahren viele sowohl praxisorientierte als auch wissenschaftliche Debatten gefuehrt worden. Dabei...
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In principle, portfolio optimization in electricity markets can make use of the standard mean-variance model going back to Markowitz. Yet a key restriction in most electricity markets is the limited liquidity. Therefore the standard model has to be adapted to cope with limited liquidity. An...
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Small decentralized power generation units (DG) are politically promoted because of their potential to reduce GHG-emissions and the existing dependency on fossil fuels. A long term goal of this promotion should be the creation of a level playing field for DG and conventional power generation....
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