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Though individual demand and supply equations can readily be expressed in logit models, closed-form solutions for equilibrium shares and prices are intractable due to the presence of products of polynomial and exponential terms. This hinders the employment of logit models in theoretical studies,...
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My dissertation comprises three essays that theoretically and empirically investigate three managerial relevant issues in new product development.In the first essay, our focus is to develop a methodology that allows manufacturers to account for the impact of channel acceptance in new product...
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Consumers often use objective as well as subjective criteria to evaluate a product. For example, power tool users may evaluate a power tool based on not only its objective attributes such as price and switch type but also its subjective characteristics such as ease of use and the feel of the...
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In channel structures characterized by a powerful retailer (e.g., Wal-Mart, Home Depot), the dominant retailer's acceptance of a manufacturer's new product often determines the success of the new offering. Focusing on a manufacturer in such a market, we develop an approach to positioning and...
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Game-theoretic models of marketing channels typically rely on simplifying assumptions that, from a behavioral perspective, often appear naïve. However, behavioral researchers have produced such an abundance of behavioral regularities that they are impossible to incorporate into game-theoretic...
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Using the Technology Adoption Propensity (TAP) index, a psychometric scale that measures four dimensions of consumers' technological predispositions, we examine how dispositional attitudes influence product adoption patterns across a varied range of consumer and self-service technologies. Our...
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With the fast-paced growth of e-commerce, it has been essential for both academicians and practitioners to understand how the ongoing shift to the online channel will impact the type and variety of products consumers purchase across the channels. Most of the literature examining the impact of...
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In this paper, the authors review current literature on retail formats and propose a new customer-centric framework for retailers to focus on as they continue to innovate and evolve. Specifically, they review the literature on how formats compare in their attributes and compete with each other;...
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This paper presents a framework for organizing and discussing factors influencing consumer choice dynamics, how these factors may be incorporated into models of buyer behavior and problems that may arise in estimating such models. The paper identifies research issues and delineates possible...
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