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marketing issues related to Islamic finance is modest and somewhat ambiguous. Therefore, we review several decades of research … Islamic finance and its marketing. While we believe that our review will mainly serve as a crucial reinvigoration and launch … point for future research on Islamic finance marketing, it is also of great practical benefit for policymakers of various …
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The Islamic banking is one of the most rapidly emerging trends in many different parts of the world. Theinterest based … involved. The study analyzed the key determinants of the Islamic banking in the banking customers living in Peshawar KPK using … the Islamic banking and the flaws of the interests based has a positive relationship with the acceptance of the Islamic …
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promoting the Islamic ethical principles in their marketing practices, IBs can thus appeal to a larger clientele, both Muslims … criteria set out in the Islamic marketing ethics literature. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the extent to which the … ethical ideals espoused by the Islamic marketing ethics literature are reflected in the marketing practices of IBs …
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Islamic marketing ethics combines the principle of value maximisation with the principles of equity and justice for the … welfare of the society. Adherence to the Islamic ethics in the Islamic banking industry can help elevate the standards of both … behaviour and living of bankers and customers alike. In a rapidly changing marketing environment the need to be customer …
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This study aimed to determine the effect of Islamic financial literacy, spiritual intelligence, public perception, and … behaviour on public interest in Islamic banking services. This research is classified as quantitative research. Islamic … variable. The population in this study is the entire community in Padang city who are already customers of Islamic banks. The …
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aimed to identify the influence of consumer behavior, marketing strategies, integrated marketing communication, and added … value and indirectly influenced by consumer behavior and marketing strategy, while integrated marketing communication …
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze whether the practice of Islamic microfinance serves maqāsid al …-shari'a (underlying intents of Islamic law) or not. The paper uses a qualitative methodology. Using the literature, five key factors of … maqāsid al-shari'a pertaining to an Islamic economy and mal (wealth) are developed, which are then used as a base of analysis …
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restriction principle inherent in waqf (Islamic endowment). Specifically, it attempts to consolidate the axioms in both … conventional and Islamic finance, such as the risk-return trade-off and al-ghunm bi al-ghurm (liability accompanies gain), with the … research methodology; past literature encompassing journal articles, books, relevant financial axioms, fatwas (Islamic rulings …
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