Showing 1 - 10 of 118
1. The Linear Sum Assignment Problem -- 2. The Linear Bottleneck Assignment Problem -- 3. The Cardinality Matching Problem -- 4. The Sum Matching Problem -- 5. The Bottleneck Matching Problem -- 6. The Chinese Postman Problem -- 7. Quadratic Assignment Problems -- 8. QAP Heuristic 1: The method...
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Continuing the (neo-)classical tradition of von Thünen, Launhardt, Weber, Palander, and Lösch this book offers a fresh approach to the location of industries and other economic activities, of market areas, spatial price distribution, locational specialization, urban and transportation systems,...
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In dem vorliegenden Buch wird dargestellt, wie Lagerhaltung nach den heutigen Erkenntnissen mit Hilfe von Operations Research rational gestaltet werden kann. Es werden neben deterministischen Lagerhaltungsmodellen (Produktionslager) auch Modelle mit stochastischer Nachfrage (Handelslager) bei...
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I: Organization: Micro and Macro -- Production Functions in the Analysis of Organizational Structure -- Revenue Maximization and Optimal Capital Policies of a Regulated Firm -- The Characteristics of Japanese Enterprises and their Financing -- Public Management: Does it Exist? How do you do it?...
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This volume deals with Stochastic tools with special reference to applications in the areas of Physics, Biology and Operations Research. Quitea few of the papers deal with the applications of the rich theory of point processes in Physics and Operations Research. A few of the papers deal with the...
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I. Rank -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Supervision -- 3. Control -- 4. Rank -- Supplement A: A Graph Theoretic Model of Supervision -- Supplement B: Precedence -- Supplement C: Communication Aspects of Rank -- II. Design -- 5. Span of Control -- 6. Estimation -- 7. Assignment -- Supplement D: Integers...
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The main emphasis in this work is on answers to such questions as: Can organizations operate efficiently or is there inevitably a loss of control? What are the principles of efficient organizational design? Do organizations operate under constant, increasing or decreasing returns to scale? In...
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