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The theoretical result according to which the wage is higher when bargaining and efficiency wages interact, is tested by estimating a formally derived wage equation on an Italian firm-level panel from 1990 to 1999. The 1993 July Agreement, which fostered the adoption of decentralised incentive...
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Flynn (2005) proposes that the degree to which labor contracts are complete may be a major driving force behind the propensity of employees to unionize. We find behavior consistent with this hypothesis in an experimental production game in which subjects are assigned to playing either employers...
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This paper offers a theoretical exploration and empirical outlook towards a triptych heretofore not properly investigated: atypical work (e.g., self-employed, agency workers, and workers with a fixed-term contract), participation within the firm, and innovation. How, it must be asked, can and...
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The use of temporary agency workers is closely linked to the concept of numerical flexibility, entailing a need for additional staff in booms. However, previous research has also revealed a trend towards a more extensive and constant use of temporary agency workers. Even though the long-term use...
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This introduction provides a survey of the collected papers. At the same time it develops an critical analysis designed to illustrate the file rouge which links the material included in this special issue.
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Die Literatur ueber betriebliche Buendnisse und Konzessionsverhandlungen setzt voraus, dass Geschaeftsleitungen wissen, wie sie ihre Interessen verfolgen koennen und dazu Zugestaendnisse von Arbeitnehmervertretern verlangen. Wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen finden jedoch unter Ungewissheit statt:...
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Die in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten anhaltende Erosion des Flaechentarifvertragssystems in Deutschland gefaehrdet den ordnungspolitischen Anspruch der tarifvertraglichen Regelung von Arbeitsstandards. Mit den Entgeltrahmenabkommen (ERA) haben die Tarifparteien in der Metall- und Elektroindustrie...
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Kritiker des deutschen Flaechentarifvertragssystems fordern eine staerkere Nutzung betrieblicher Verhandlungsloesungen. Die Folgen einer solchen Abkehr vom System der Flaechentarifvertraege (Verbetrieblichung) haetten vor allem die Betriebe und deren Akteure zu tragen. Der vorliegende Beitrag...
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Unlike many other contracts, employment contracts are subject to various external administrative procedures governing separations, ranging from compulsory severance payments and advance notice periods (usually seniority based), to collective layoff procedures (usually depending on the firm's...
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Geringfuegig Beschaeftigte im Einzelhandel erleben hoechst prekaere Arbeitsbedingungen und weit verbreitete Verstoesse gegen das Arbeitsrecht. Das ergab eine explorative Studie auf der Basis von halbstrukturierten Interviews mit Managern und Mitarbeitern in 22 Filialen von 18 verschiedenen...
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