Showing 1 - 10 of 96
($/$) effect on output of a shock to public spending and to the government's net tax revenues, providing a good notion of the …
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This paper reviews the relationship between the business cycle and public finances in Colombia. The evidence shows that cyclical movements in output systematically affect the situation of public finances. Hence, the distinction between the cyclical and permanent (i.e. structural) components of...
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Bajo un régimen No-Ricardiano o de dominancia fiscal, el banco central pierdeautonomía en el control de la inflación, especialmente en circunstancias deinsostenibilidad de las finanzas públicas. En este trabajo se evalúa la presencia de unrégimen de esta naturaleza en la economía...
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In the past decade the Colombian Economic Authorities undertook a series of measures that reduced the structural fiscal deficit, decreased the Government currency mismatch and deepened the local fixed-rate public bond market. This paper presents some evidence suggesting that these improvements...
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Las reglas fiscales aumentan la credibilidad en la política económica, permiten unmanejo fiscal contracíclico y sostenible intertemporalmente, y contribuyen a laestabilidad y al crecimiento económico. El gobierno colombiano ha usado reglasfiscales para limitar el crecimiento del gasto y el...
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El gobierno es un agente que influye sobre la actividad económica a lo largo del ciclo y afecta las variables reales y nominales de un país por medio de sus políticas de ingreso y de gasto. También es un determinante importante de la estabilidad macroeconómica, en cuanto que esta depende,...
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In most economies, macroeconomic policy is conducted by two or more independent authorities. In general, each policymaker has a different piece of information about the state of the economy, and this information is different from the one held by the private sector. We extend the model of James...
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Las economías emergentes más dependientes del sector minero-energético, enfrentan el riesgo de que, a medida que aumente la participación de este último dentro del PIB, el crecimiento de su gasto público llegue a desbordarse y adquiera connotaciones cada vez más pro-cíclicas,...
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The purpose of this study is twofold: First, it provides an empirical characterization of fiscal policy in Colombia over the last decades, by assessing the three most relevant macroeconomic factors: the behavior of fiscal policy over the business cycle; whether it has been coherent with the...
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The focus of this paper is on the short-term macroeconomic effects of fiscalpolicy in Colombia in a structural vector autoregression context. Governmentspending shocks are found to have positive and significant effects on output,private consumption, employment, prices and short-term interest...
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