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This paper considers the estimation of a number of commonly used single-equation linear models, all of which have … proposed in each case. The choice of estimation method is usually represented as a trade-off between efficiency on the one hand … of an efficient estimation method depends on whether or not the model has a unique solution and often this will not be …
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explanatory variables. This approach is applied to German survey data. Our estimation results suggest that a reduction in tobacco …
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We propose a novel mechanism to facilitate understanding of systemic risk in financial markets. The literature on systemic risk has focused on two mechanisms, common shocks and domino-like sequential default. Our approach is a formal model that provides an intellectual combination of the two by...
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In a spatial economy where oligopolist firms compete in R&D, it is found that geography affects the innovative behaviour of firms. Notably, international differences in market size conduce to endogenous asymmetries between firms given that firms located in the country with more demand have...
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This paper analyses the use of factor analysis for instrumental variable estimation when the number of instruments …-GMM estimation, which is also easily implemented. …
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was financed by (higher) contributions from unemployment insurance funds, by the previous firms themselves, as well as by …
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This paper exploits an unusual policy reform that had the effect of reducing the direct cost of schooling in Ireland in the late 1960’s. This gave rise to an increased level of schooling but with effects that vary substantially across family background. This interaction of educational reform...
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This article attempts a formal analysis of the connection between property tax and urban sprawl in U.S. cities. We develop a theoretical model that includes households (who are also landlords) and land developers in a regional land market. We then test the model empirically based on a national...
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Does productivity increase with density? We revisit the issue using French wage and TFP data. To deal with the ‘endogenous quantity of labour’ bias (i.e., urban agglomeration is consequence of high local productivity rather than a cause), we take an instrumental variable approach and...
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We study the relationship between education and fertility, exploiting compulsory schooling reforms in Europe as source of exogenous variation in education. Using data from 8 European countries, we assess the causal effect of education on the number of biological kids and the incidence of...
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