Showing 1 - 10 of 12
Mit den im Steuervergünstigungsabbaugesetz vorgesehenen Steueränderungen soll im Wesentlichen durch mehr Steuergerechtigkeit und verbesserte Steuertransparenz die Akzeptanz der Besteuerung gefördert werden. Gleichzeitig sollen die Einnahmen der öffentlichen Haushalte auf eine sichere und...
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Die Messung der effektiven Steuerbelastung rentabler Investitionen ist mit zahlreichen methodischen Problemen verbunden. Diese lassen sich zum Teil mit einem auf Devereux und Griffith zurückgehenden Modell überwinden. Basierend auf ihrem Ansatz wird eine Maßgröße für die effektive...
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The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) require a company to account forcurrent and future tax consequences, due to transactions and other events recognised inprofit or loss (IAS 12). Reported tax expense (tax income) seems to be relevant for bothcompany tax management (Bolton,...
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This paper investigates the quality of information on tax planning performance which is provided by financial accounting based on IAS 12 (Income taxes). A simple theoretical investment model is used to show that reported tax expenses can be misleading as an indicator of tax planning performance,...
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This paper analyzes the impact of taxes and lending conditions on the financial structure of multinationals? foreign affiliates. The empirical analysis employs a large panel of affiliates of German multinationals in 26 countries in the period from 1996 until 2003. In accordance with the...
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This paper analyzes the role of Thin-Capitalization rules for capital structure choice and investment decisions of multinationals. A theoretical analysis shows that the imposition of such rules tends to affect not only the leverage and the level of investment but also their tax-sensitivity. An...
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This paper analyzes the impact of taxes and lending conditions on the financial structure of multinationals' foreign affiliates. The empirical analysis employs a large panel of affiliates of German multinationals in 26 countries in the period from 1996 until 2003. In accordance with the...
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This paper analyzes the role of Thin-Capitalization rules for capital structure choice and investment decisions of multinationals. A theoretical analysis shows that the imposition of such rules tends to affect not only the leverage and the level of investment but also their tax-sensitivity. An...
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Repatriation taxes reduce the competitiveness of multinational firms from tax credit countries when bidding for targets in low tax countries. This comparative disadvantage with respect to bidders from exemption countries violates ownership neutrality, which results in production inefficiencies...
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