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On the face of it, Austria’s labour market performs very well, which is reflected in one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU. However, while many of the euro area members have recently succeeded in reducing unemployment, the Austrian jobless rate has been on a clearly rising path since...
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In the recent debate on the response to the challenges of globalisation, the so-called Nordic model has received much praise. While the three Nordic countries are often lumped together, their performance has not been the same. A notable feature of the Finnish economy compared with that of Sweden...
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Der Koalitionsvertrag zwischen CDU, CSU und SPD vom 11.11.2005 sieht vor, die Altersgrenze für die Regelaltersrente zwischen 2012und 2035 auf 67 Jahre anzuheben. Bundesarbeitsminister Müntefering plant sogar, die Übergangsphase zu beschleunigen, sodass die„Rente ab 67“ bereits bis 2029...
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Ein wachsender Teil älterer Arbeitskräftein Deutschland sieht sich mit dem Problemkonfrontiert, nicht bis zum Beginn derAltersrente erwerbstätig sein zu können,sondern vorher, teilweise auch schonmehrere Jahre vorher, arbeitslos zu werden.Wie der Alterssurvey, eine repräsentativeBefragung...
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After 16 years of conservative-liberal rule, a social democratic-green coalition cameinto office in 1998. Though having declared the successful combating of unemploymentthe principal yardstick for his government’s performance, Chancellor Schröder actuallystood back until mid-2001, expecting...
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Beschäftigungsentwicklung und -strukturArbeitslose und erwerbsfähigeHilfebedürftige: Aufteilung in zweiRegimesBewegung in und aus ArbeitslosigkeitArbeitslosigkeit nach Gruppen:Ausländer, Jüngere, Ältere..
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Eigentlich müsste Arbeitspolitik Konjunktur haben. Anhaltend hohe Arbeitslosigkeit auf der einen, Stress und zu lange …
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This study focuses on productive activities that are legal in principlebut which are not declared to the authorities. In the debate inGermany various terms are used to describe these activities, themost common being Schwarzarbeit (clandestine employment),Schattenwirtschaft (underground economy)...
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The extent of low-wage work in Germany is hotly debated. In international comparisons fromthe mid-90s, Germany is often classified as a country with a low wage dispersion. Comparedto the USA and UK, Germany has a relatively equal income structure and a small proportionof low-paid workers (OECD 1996;...
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