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This paper develops a model of pricing and advertising in a matching environment with capacity constrained sellers …. Sellers' expenditure on directly informative advertising attracts consumers only probabilistically. Consumers who happen to … maximizing advertising levels are derived and their properties analyzed, including the interplay of prices and advertising with …
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A simple Ising spin model which can describe the mechanism of advertising in a duopoly market is proposed. In contrast … via standard Monte Carlo simulations that very simple rules and inclusion of an external field - an advertising campaign …
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seller with no means to signal his quality has the possibility to be certified by an institution that owns a technology to … discover the true quality and can credibly commit to a disclosure rule. We study the incentives of this institution to disclose …
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) industry. I present an empirical discrete-choice model of limited information on the part of consumers, where advertising … influences the set of products from which consumers choose to purchase. Multi-product firms choose prices and advertising in each … medium to maximize their profits. I apply the model to the US PC market, in which advertising expenditures are over $2 …
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We model a two periods market with two-sided quality uncertainty. In the first period the seller gathers information … dominant strategy whenever advertising cost is low, buyers are many and their private information is accurate. When the seller … can postpone the advertising decision and gains experience, past-sales revelation occurs partially. In equilibrium …
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image of the institutions of undergraduate education, are presented, by highlighting the importance of the advertising push …
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This work is focused on identifying a circular pull production control system (PPCS) and make emphasis on the presence of a stability attribute. It is an introductory paper to an extended study of macroeconomic financial stability in a physically open but systemic closed system. Previous work...
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Many transactions are now computer mediated, making it possible for sellers to condition their pricing on the history of interactions with individual consumers. This paper investigates conditions under which price conditioning will or will not be used. Our simplest model involves rational...
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This paper analyses oligopolies using the Cournot/Stackelberg framework, but allowing some firms to be pursueing aims other than profit maximisation. The existence of even a single output maximising firm can have dramatic effects on outputs, prices and welfare, even if such a firms faces...
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In general equilibrium models with oligopolistic firms, equilibrium outcomes may depend on the choice of numeraire. When firms have the power to influence prices strategically, different price normalisations entail objective profit functions which are generally not monotone transformations of...
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