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Transport cost is second in importance after production cost in industry. It is the purpose of the present paper to study the impact of information sharing and contractual instruments between a supply chain and its transport suppliers. After reviewing the literature, we propose a model to...
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bargain through some extensive game form. We take an implementation approach, characterizing the possible allocation rules …
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, and discusses the application of population game techniques to strategic situations other than $N$-player random-matching …
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We develop a theory of stability in many-to-many matching markets. We give conditions under which the setwise … theory parallels the standard theory of stability for many-to-one, and one-to- one, models. We provide results for a number …
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I count the number of combinatorial choice rules that satisfy certain properties: Kelso-Crawford substitutability, and … independence of irrelevant alternatives. The results are important for two-sided matching theory, where agents are modeled by … implications for the Gale-Shapley algorithm of matching theory. …
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This paper deals with the analytical and graphical representation of the bifurcations appearing from the adjustment dynamics of a 2- player Cournot duopoly, proposed by Puu (1997). We establish admissibility conditions on the initial state of the adjustment dynamics and visualize the dynamics in...
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This paper studies the formation of networks among individuals. The focus is on the compatibility of overall societal welfare with individual incentives to form and sever links. The paper reviews and synthesizes some previous results on the subject, and also provides new results on the existence...
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Perfect equilibria of dynamic political games. The present paper examines issues of stability and reform when such equilibria … exist. Which environments tend toward institutional stability? Which tend toward reform? We show that when political rules … decisions alone. More generally, we identify sufficient conditions for stability and reform in terms of recursive self selection …
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. As an interesting result, it is demonstrated that stability need not be required for the success of a matching mechanism …-makers learns to coordinate on the selection of an equilibrium or a social convention in a two-sided matching game. In the contexts …
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-run elasticities of income and price variables. This study also implements CUSUM and CUSUMSQ stability tests on the estimated new …
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