Showing 1 - 10 of 88
carriers), and we point to the real danger that the intent of Congress in passing the 1996 Act to promote competition in …
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competition, using a mixture of theoretical arguments and empirical evidence. We discuss two hypothesis and survey empirical … the intensity of competition in B2C eCommerce. …
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The Relative Value Theory predicts equilibrium prices in a world in which time value of money is unique, and investors … strengthen RVT’s ability to explain market prices’ behavior. Recasting most finance theory results into an RVT framework appears …
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The RVT predicts equilibrium prices in a world where investors ignore variance and only care about cumulative returns. Such prices determine intrinsic returns that satisfy the CAPM equation. This paper shows that assets that pay a constant (or constantly increasing) dividend but face each year...
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In this paper we show that a feasible price allocation pair is a market equilibrium of a discrete market game if and only if it solves a linear programming problem. We use this result to obtain computable necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of market equilibrium. We assume that...
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In this paper we show that it is possible to manipulate market equilibria in an economy with profit maximizing agents (or agents with quasi-linear utility functions) by either destroying or withholding ones initial endowments.
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our theory using data on the more than 20,000 plants in the sector producing engineering services for petrochemical plants …: International competition, market size, competencies, engineering industry …
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This paper studies the role of income distribution as a determinant of the size of the informal sector in an economy by relying on a channel whereby inequality affects the behaviour of aggregate demand and thus influences the incentives a firm has to become informal. It is further postulated...
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This paper develops a theory of endogenous growth cycles focusing on the interaction between consumers' desire to …
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This paper shows how fixed costs can play an important role in determining the structure of organizations. Applications considered include layoffs, downsizing, heterogeneity among firms, and the structure of hierarchies. Agency problems as a source of fixed costs are also considered.
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